Holy Father
- n.教皇

Holy father , please receive this man to your kingdom .
Yes , bless us , Holy Father .
Dear holy father does , you have to see how we live in harmony like it !
Holy Father , protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me so that they may be one as we are one .
We believe Holy Father , God is the only true God Almighty who created the universe and all mankind .
The Pope is addressed Your Holiness and Roman Catholics call him The Holy Father .
Divine Mercy : The Holy Father found the purest reflection of God 's mercy in the Mother of God .
The multitude that filled the cathedral and its surroundings responded with prolonged applause to the Holy Father 's message .
It has been understood that Cardinal Dias is in union with the Holy Father regarding Naju .
I think His Holy Father will be pleased to know that much of our foreign policy is based on the admonition to whom much is given , much is required .
From this , the Holy Father went on to look at the centuries that followed , until our times , looking at them from the perspective of mission .
The Bishops had an opportunity to examine and discuss a draft of the Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father to the Catholics of Ireland .
Jude , a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of james , to those of god 's selection who have been made holy by God the father and are kept safe for Jesus christ .
Our common belief in One God , the Holy Trinity of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit is bound up with our belief in Jesus Christ who reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity .